Pop Warner Limits Contact During Football Practice

New rulings in Pop Warner leagues restrict contact drills to 1/3 of practice time, ban full speed, head-on tackling and blocking drills at 3 yards, and forbid head-to-head impact. All of these rulings are designed to protect young players during practice, and prevent repetitive and high-force head impacts, which can cause concussions and brain injuries over time.

In an effort to spark changes in football from the bottom up, Pop Warner is introducing new rulings which will officially limit contact between players during practices. The first of their kind across a nationwide football league, these changes go into effect at the beginning of the 2012 season, and are three fold;

Pop Warner Football

  • Coaches must limit contact drills to no more than 1/3 of weekly practice time, or no more than 40 minutes during a single practice.
  • Full speed, head-on blocking and tackling drills, where players line up more than three yards apart, are officially restricted – angled hits are still acceptable.
  • All head-to-head contact is banned.

All designed to prevent brain injuries, concussion, and long-term health issues, Pop Warner is working with coaches to ensure each ruling is followed.

Pop Warner LogoAs the oldest and largest national youth football organization, Pop Warner has over 83 years experience training kids age 5 to 15, in the art of football. Leagues exist in 43 states, and stretch abroad to Germany, Russia, Japan, and Scotland. It’s also estimated that over 70% of all current NFL players started in Pop Warner programs. So needless to say, a change of this magnitude, in such a powerful and influential organization, was not made lightly, or without purpose.

“There are times when people and organizations have to evolve, and this is that time,” said neurosurgeon and chair of Pop Warner’s Medical Advisory Board, Dr. Julian Bailes. “For the future of the sport, we need to morph it now and take the unnecessary head contact out of the game.”

These rule changes seem to be the natural reaction to a slew of research, studies, and media exposure revolving around the long- and short-term effects of concussions in football players. Major impacts and minor repetitive hits caused by players of all ages and sizes, have been shown to have serious negative effects on the brain, especially those of developing children. Sub-concussive forces are even believed to cause degenerative brain disorders such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), the disease found in the brains of many former NFL, and even some teenage players. Research into the area has also found that most concussions, in youth and adults, occur during practice.

So is it surprising that organizations like Pop Warner are seeing a slight decrease in enrollment? Is it shocking that, with all of this information gracing the headlines, parents are becoming more and more reticent to drop their kids off at football practice?

Football DrillsDr. Bailes believes that “if parents were considering allowing their child to play football, this (rule change) should assure them.” But he and Pop Warner are also hopeful that these rule changes will trickle up, making the game safer for players over time. After all, if players are trained from an early age to rely on their hands and bodies, instead of leading with their heads in constant contact drills, they’ll take those skills into high school, and on to college. Some may even take them on into the NFL.

“We’re not trying to fundamentally change the game.” Bailes said of the rulings. “We’re trying to ensure its survival by reducing the potential for injury in practice.”

With more and more information surfacing on the long-term effects of concussions, the serious lawsuit brought by high profile players against the NFL, and in light of the recent suicide of former NFL linebacker Junior Seau, it seems that changes like these are becoming increasingly necessary, if our favorite sport is going to last.

By Brandon Porter.

Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

New Justin Tuck Facemask Revealed

New Justin Tuck Facemask Revealed! With five horizontal bars and 12 diagonal bars, the new facemask is a total beast!

New Justin Tuck FacemaskSo apparently, having the baddest looking facemask in football wasn’t enough for Justin Tuck. Last year, the New York Giants defensive end made headlines with his six horizontal bar facemask. The custom job was built to keep fingers out of his facemask, when he suspected opponents of attempting to get their hands inside and yank his helmet, after word of a neck injury got out. Some called it ridiculous…some called it amazing. Regardless, after Schutt designed them for the public, it became one of the best selling facemasks of the year!

Now, he’s taking the ridiculousness to a new level, and anyone who dares put their fingers anywhere near his facemask this season is going to be picking them up off the turf! Tuck’s new facemask reduces the horizontal bars to five, but the 12 diagonal bars he adds more than make up for the loss. These cross bars turn Tuck’s facemask into a gloried cheese grater, or more accurately, a face fortress from which there is no return!

I’m not sure if these will be available for purchase by the public, but as soon as they are, I’m getting one just to wear around the house! What do you think?

By Brandon Porter.Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

Should You Trust the Virginia Tech Football Helmet Ratings?

Explanation of the Virginia Tech STAR Rating for football helmets, and the benefits and objections to the study.

Concussions have always been a part of the game especially in football. But what was once referred to as simply “getting your bell rung,” has now become an incredibly serious health concern, leading to mental degeneration, persistent physical impairments, depression, and death. Concussions and Football helmets Among players, parents, and coaches, the growing fear of, and focus on concussions, their effects, and prevention have become priority number one, and for many, the first line of defense is the football helmet. Concussions are the result of a complicated event, with many variables, forces, and factors, ranging from the acceleration of the player to his genetics. Yet, at the end of the day, parents and players just want to find the best helmet to protect themselves from injuries. Unfortunately, consumers are really looking for a simple answer to a complex question.

Enter The STAR Rating System

After eight years of data collection, research, and experiments, in 2011, and again recently in 2012, Virginia Tech and their engineering department gave us an answer; the “STAR System” for rating the effectiveness of football helmets. Virginia Tech STAR helmet ratingSTAR, or the Summation of Tests for the Analysis of Risk, is a rating given to helmets, meant to describe their perceived effectiveness at reducing the risk of concussions. Each helmet is tested in an accredited lab, and using an algorithm developed by Stefan Dumma, lead engineer on the Virginia Tech rankings project, given a STAR value. According to Virginia Tech, this value is derived from 120 impacts on 3 new helmets, caused by dropping the helmet from a variety of heights, at four different positions, to simulate the range of helmet-to-helmet hits a player would experience on the field. After analyzing the results and data, the helmet is given a STAR rating, which attempts to define the number of concussions a player can expect to experience over the duration of one season, playing with that particular helmet.

2012 STAR Football Helmet Ratings

In 2012, Virginia Tech tested 15 adult large football helmet models using the STAR evaluation system. Helmets with higher STAR ratings provide a reduction in concussion risk, while those with lower ratings tend to provide less protection from concussions. Below are the published results of the 2012 STAR football helmet testing performed by Virginia Tech. Most of these helmets can be found at Sports Unlimited.  Please see the updated 2014 Virginia Tech Football Helmet Ratings.

5 Stars:
4 Stars:
3 Stars:
2 Stars:
1 Star:

Riddell 360

Rawlings Quantum Plus

Riddell Revolution Speed

Schutt Vengeance DCT*

Schutt ION 4D

Schutt DNA Pro +

Rawlings Impulse

Xenith X1

Riddell Revolution

Rawlings Quantum

Riddell Revolution IQ

Schutt AiR XP

Xenith X2

Schutt AiR Advantage

Riddell VSR4

AdamsA2000 Pro Elite


The Controversy Over Virginia Tech and STAR

Since it was first introduced into the industry in 2011, the Virginia Tech STAR rating for helmets has received both praise for informing players and parents of the effectiveness of certain helmets, and opposition from independent organizations like NOCSAE (the National Operation Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) and manufacturers like Schutt and Xenith, accusing the study of dramatic limitations and misleading results. The controversy over the Virginia Tech football helmet study has grown heated in the past few weeks, following the publication of the 2012 results. Press releases and rebuttal statements from Schutt, NOCSAE, and engineers from Virginia Tech have cast the issue further into the public light, and have people questioning, at once, the validity of the STAR ratings, and the intentions of some of the most trusted manufacturers in the game today!

Objections to the Virginia Tech STAR Rating System

Opposition from Schutt, NOCSAE, and others center on the authority of the helmet rating system and Virginia Tech’s methodology in the lab. Since the testing only focuses on lateral acceleration impacts (direct helmet-to-helmet contact) and ignores rotational impacts (the glancing blows that twist the head and neck), many believe its results and data are severely limited. Virginia Tech football helmet test

“We believe the assumptions behind the study have been flawed from the start because it fails to acknowledge that current science has yet to pin down the actual injury mechanics that cause concussions.  The STAR rating system is limited in too many ways because it considers only linear force impacts and totally ignores many other factors that are involved in a concussive event.”

-Cortney Warmouth, Director of New Product Development, Schutt

Although respecting the tests and results as a leap forward in understanding the nature and prevention of concussions, NOCSAE and Schutt have both expressed concern that concussions are too complex an event to draw any strong conclusions by testing only one of many variables.

“NOCSAE does not recommend that parents and athletes form decisions on the safest and most effective equipment based on any single individual data point, rating, or measurement, including the Virginia Tech STAR football helmet rating system. Doing so may lead to inaccurate conclusions that one helmet brand or model has a measurably higher level of concussion protection than another for a particular athlete.”  

– Taken from NOCSAE press release

Schutt has taken their objections a step further, even though many of their helmets, such as the ION 4D and DNA Pro +, have received top STAR ratings in each test. Schutt’s objection to the Virginia Tech helmet study accuses it of prioritizing lower-velocity impacts over harder hits. In low speed impacts, softer helmet padding tends to perform better and absorb more shock, while at higher speeds, harder padding has been shown to protect players better. Typically, softer padded helmets are better at protecting younger players, who are generally not getting hit as hard as college or pro players. For instance, the Schutt 2012 AiR Standard II received a 5 STAR rating when tested by the same independent accredited lab, under the same conditions, and using the same algorithm used by Virginia Tech.

Schutt AiR Standard II 2012“While it passes the NOCSAE helmet standard, the 2012 AiR Standard II is an entry level helmet designed for younger players. The idea of putting such a helmet on a player at any high school, college or NFL team is absurd. The fact that it’s the best helmet in the STAR rating system should cause concern for anyone relying on the system for purchasing decisions.”  

– Robert Erb, President and CEO, Schutt Sports

In response to these accusations, the Virginia Tech team has admitted its limitations and explained that its STAR rating is merely meant as a research tool, not a buying guide. Their claim is that some information on the effectiveness of football helmets is better than nothing. Virginia Tech STAR Helmet RatingIn Virginia Tech’s helmet study methodology, the researchers directly describe the test’s limitations, admitting the complex, multi-faceted, and variable causes and nature of concussions. Admittedly, their numbers and rating system are simply based on trends and probabilities. While they also admit to only testing linear acceleration as well, the team explains that while all head impacts result in both linear and rotational accelerations, Virginia Tech engineers believe a correlation exists between the two forces. So, as they explore the one, they are also exploring the effects of the other. Obviously, this is a complicated issue, one based in science and sport, but also rooted in health and emotion. In our quest to provide the most well-rounded, up-to-date, and unbiased sporting goods information, we at Sports Unlimited have tried to present all of the facts and varying opinions on this developing issue. But to get the full picture, we need to hear from the people using this information and buying new helmets. So please, feel free to share your opinions and feelings on the Virginia Tech helmet ratings below! *Update: As it was not available for public purchase at the time, the Schutt Vengeance helmet was not tested in the VA Tech STAR Rating Study. However, using the same lab (Southern Impact Research Center in Rockford, TN) and publicly posted methods and algorithms as the VA Tech Study, Schutt independently tested the Vengeance, as well as others in its Varsity level helmet line. They found the Vengeance to score a STAR Value of 0.185. According to VA Tech’s publicly posted ratings, a 5-Star Helmet is rated between 0.200 – 0.299 STAR Value, while a 4-STAR helmet falls between 0.300 – 0.399 STAR Value. This would actually put the Vengeance above 5-STAR rated helmets. However, although their latest helmet is technically the highest rated, Schutt still believes the test to be inevitably flawed, and inaccurate of a helmet’s actual in-game performance and protection.

By Brandon Porter.Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

Rise Above The Bleachers With a Patented Stadium Chair

Check out our brand new product videos for one of our favorite items, the Patented Stadium Chair stadium seat! This durable, comfortable, portable stadium seat attaches to any bleacher, for instant back support and soft comfort. Perfect for parents and grandparents who love watching their kids shine on the field, but can’t stand sitting on those hard, cold bleachers all season long!

Admit it; you love seeing your kids play their favorite sports, but it’s a real pain in the…lower back…to have to sit on those hard, cold bleachers all game long! And if you have back problems like a lot of us do, you probably find yourself standing on the sidelines, or missing their games all together…all because of some uncomfortable old bleachers!

Someone ought to build a bleacher that’s actually comfortable!

Someone did.

Patented Stadium Chair

Enter the Patented Stadium Chair, a foldable, portable, and most importantly, comfortable stadium seat that easily attaches to any bleacher, new or old! Its steel frame gives you instant back support, while a cushioned bungee system and durable Cordova canvas bottom raise you off the cold, hard, and wet bleachers, to a new level of comfort that lasts all season long!

Relatively lightweight and easy to carry, with a built-in handle and simple hook attachment, the Patented Stadium Chair makes it comfortable and easy for everyone to go see the kids play. Finally, grandparents and great grandparents can watch their loved ones shine on the field! And with an almost limitless myriad of color combinations and customization options, you can really make these Stadium Chairs your own.

Check out our latest product videos and learn more about our favorite Stadium Chairs from SU’s very own Doug. See how they’ll change how you watch your kids’ games forever!


The Patented Stadium Chair

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siEq27IiVHY?rel=0]


Deluxe Wide Patented Stadium Chair

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaolfXmwbBA?rel=0]


Customized and Personalized Stadium Chair

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40FY9FvPZys?rel=0]


By Brandon Porter.

Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

Nike Finally Reveals New NFL Jerseys

Nike unveils brand new NFL jerseys for all 32 franchises. All new Nike NFL jerseys now available at Sports Unlimited!

Nike NFL JerseysTuesday night, in the low lights of a Brooklyn film studio, and somewhere between the muddy fields of the NFL and sleek runways of Bravo, Nike finally unveiled its long-awaited, newly designed NFL jerseys. Sleek and modern, yet somehow comfortingly familiar, all 32 franchise jerseys have been re-imagined by the sporting goods giant for the 2012 season.

In a huge media display, starring top players from every team, Nike showed off the new look, feel, material, and performance of each jersey, demonstrating their sleek design, closer fit, innovative ventilation system, durable fabric, and enhanced stretch and movement.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell was on hand, and explained that the Nike redesign combined tradition and innovation.

“You can put innovation into the uniform without changing the look, necessarily, about it.” Goodell said.

New Nike NFL UniformsLeaning more towards the “tradition” end of the spectrum, most franchises chose not to follow the trend of some college teams, like the Oregon Ducks or Maryland Terps, and left their classic colors and styles largely unchanged. Other teams, like the Seattle Seahawks, took a turn for the flashy, upgrading their look with bright neon and metallic linings. But all in all, every jersey got the full Nike treatment, for a cooler-than-ever look.

“Seattle has the hottest uniform right now,” New Orleans Saints running back Pierre Thomas admitted. “So I’m a little jealous. But I still love my all black. I think it looks nice.”

After many years with Reebok, the NFL signed an exclusive deal with Nike in early 2012, to supply all 32 teams with new jerseys, belts, pants, socks, and gloves.

And now that they’ve been revealed, Sports Unlimited is happy to announce that we have a full shipment of Nike NFL jerseys in stock and ready to go! Available in youth sizes, our wide selection of jerseys from all your favorite teams and players will let you take your fandom into the next generation! Complete replicas of what your favorite player will wear on the field all season long, these new Nike NFL jerseys will be with you from the stands to your couch while you root for your team every Sunday.

NFL Jerseys

Available for purchase starting at 12 AM, Friday May 27th.

By Brandon Porter.

Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

Kobe Bryant’s Mask Keeps Him on the Court

Kobe Nose Guard DunkAlways one step ahead of the trends, Kobe Bryant is sporting a new look these days! Donning a “Richard Hamilton-style” clear plastic mask over his face and nose, the LA Lakers star admittedly looked a bit funny on the court Wednesday night. His dominating performance against the Minnesota Timberwolves, though, quickly quieted any lingering laughter in the crowd or at home. With 31 points, seven rebounds, and eight assists, all while wearing a new and custom-fit nose and face guard, Kobe showed what it means to play hurt.

Kobe Nose Guard

During Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game, an awkward foul from Miami Heat guard and buddy Dwyane Wade left Kobe with a broken nose, headaches, and dizziness, sending him back to Los Angeles worse for the wear and in the hands of physical trainers and doctors. After a battery of tests and concussion-reviews this week, Bryant was cleared to play Wednesday night’s game, with the custom nose guard, of course.

“It happens,” Bryant said. “You just have to deal with it and try to heal up as quickly as you possibly can, and get back on the court.”

Bangerz Nose GuardKobe’s sentiments are echoed by athletes across the country who refuse to let injuries keep them sidelined. From wrestlers to soccer stars, basketball players to martial artists, competitors young and old trust nose guards and face protectors to keep their injured noses safe and healing, so they can stay active and useful to the team. Although they may look awkward and funny to some, masks like the Bangerz HS-1500 Nose and Face Guard are safe and effective. They also feel comfortable and don’t hold you back. Just ask Kobe. A concussion and broken nose won’t keep him off the court. You think looking a little strange is going to stop him? I’ll let Wednesday night’s scoreboard answer your question there; 104 – 85, Lakers.

By Brandon Porter.

Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

Buzzer Beater Deals Put Great Savings On the Clock!

Grab the greatest deals on the coolest sporting goods and apparel…before the clock runs out, or someone else acts first!

New to Sports Unlimited, our Buzzer Beater Deals put savings on the clock, adding extra discounts to the already reduced prices on your favorite items from all over the store! This bonus discount lasts until time runs out, or someone picks it up, so you’ve got to act fast.

Buzzer Beater Deals

With a constantly updating bundle of products from baseball bats to jackets, backpacks to running shoes, discounted as high as 70% off, make sure you check back often to snag amazing deals before time runs out…and they’re gone for good.

Buzzer Beater Dropdown

A convenient Buzzer Beater Deals drop-down menu on every page makes grabbing these deals easier and faster, so you can add them to the cart, and get back to shopping quickly, to make one simple transaction.

By Brandon Porter.

Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

Jeremy Lin and the New Knicks

Before you left work on Friday, you may have never even heard of Jeremy Lin. Maybe you picked up on a few whispers around the office, rumblings on SportsCenter, and mentions here and there around the Internet. After all, although he had put up noteworthy numbers in three games, and pulled the Knicks out of a deep slump, he had yet to truly convince the NBA nation that he was indeed worthy of his new roll as starting point guard for New York. With three straight wins against middle-of-the-road teams, the Knick’s Friday appointment with the LA Lakers would truly test the validity of this Cinderella story. But today, after taking down both the Lakers and Minnesota Timberwolves over the weekend, gracing the front page of ESPN.com, ruling SportsCenter, and gaining hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter almost overnight, it’s hard to avoid Jeremy Lin.

Jeremy Lin and Kobe BryantLin, a 23-year old Taiwanese-American Harvard graduate, was a last ditch effort for the Knicks after Carmelo Anthony was benched due to groin injury, and Amar’e Stoudemire took time off following his brother’s death. Before entering a game late against the NJ Nets, where he would score 25 points, and start a (as of today) 5 game winning streak, (where he’d put up numbers never before seen, even by Michael Jordan), Jeremy Lin had been passed around the NBA from the Golden State Warriors, to the Houston Rockets, and finally to the bench of the New York Knicks.  Lin hadn’t even been drafted out of college!

Yet it’s not like he’s a flash in the pan scorer! Not only can he drive and finish shots, but he’s making plays, passing and feeding the ball to previously underutilized players around Jeremy Lin Harvardthe court. And he certainly put up impressive, NBA-worthy numbers while at Harvard (a division one school mind you). So my question, and the question that’s on everyone else’s mind today, is how did Jeremy Lin get looked over? Why are we just now seeing his basketball genius and talent? Some blame the racial skews that still exist in the NBA, while others believe it’s his perfect fit in the system Mike D’Antoni has established with the Knicks. I don’t mean to regurgitate the same blogs and articles you’ve been reading. I’d just like to see what our readers and customers think of this new and rising NBA star that has captured the national spotlight, seemingly out of nowhere, and brought New York basketball back to life. What do Sports Unlimited‘s customers think of these new Knicks under Lin? Can he and Anthony co-exist when he returns to the court? Is “Linsanity” here to stay? Can we please come up with other sweet “Lin-icknames?” And finally, are we ready to spend the next normally devoid stretch of sports time watching “Linstant replays?”

By Brandon Porter.

Brandon is a product specialist at Sports Unlimited.

New Life Is Good Spring 2012 Apparel!

With all of this cold, grey winter weather, the warm greenery of spring may seem impossibly far off. But to the people at Life is good, the scents of backdoor barbeques and fresh cut grass, the sounds of softly strumming guitars, and the joys of pure relaxation are never out of reach. That’s why we figured there was no better time than now to unveil the brand new Life is good spring line at Sports Unlimited, and to reveal our sweet new life is good deal! Stock up on these new styles, and when you buy 2 life is good shirts, get the 3rd 50% off! Sweet deal right?

2012 Life is good Women’s Spring Line:

Celebrating the many moods of the season, the new life is good women’s apparel spring line delivers a range of new, cool colors and styles, offering something for everyone and every occasion. Check out a few of our new favorites:

2012 Life is good Men’s Spring Line:

The latest life is good men’s wear continues to honor all that is man! From fishing to camping, golfing to barbecuing, life is good men’s spring apparel details the best parts of being a guy this season!

Life is good for the kids too! The life is good kids apparel spring line has the coolest school clothes and weekend tee’s to keep them stylish, with that unique flare. Plus, there is no higher quality brand than life is good, so you know these shirts will last through years of horsing around!

Known for their unimaginably comfortable shirts and sweatshirts, sporting the cool colors of the seasons and uniquely heartwarming graphics, life is good has built their success by embodying happiness. What started with a simple t-shirt and the undeniably lovable grin of their character “Jake,” has evolved into full lines of apparel and accessories that define the many things that make life good! But it’s what life is good does outside of the stores that makes them really unique, and what makes them a favorite here at SU. Constantly and consistently charitable, life is good is dedicated to improving the lives of children everywhere, and hosts countless festivals every year to raise money for causes that bring joy and education to kids around the globe. So when you rock life is good this spring, know that you’re also making life a little better for others!

Heated Jackets and More Hot New Gadgets for the Holidays

Do you want to give the gift that gets the most “Oh’s” and “Ah’s” this year? The gift that they’ll remember, and also turns the neighbors a slight shade of jealous green? Then I’ll pass along some advice my father gave me years ago; “Get me some new cool stuff for once!” Ah, dad was always so forthcoming with the nuggets of knowledge…

Seriously though, what’s cooler than the latest new technology and new gadgets?

How about something hot? No Paris, not like that. I mean, actually hot.

Something that combines the latest technologies and coolest gadgetry with warm toasty heat!

Well, if you read the title of this blog post, then you know we’ve already got you covered.

Heated jackets, heated vests, heated boots, and heated socks have come to Sports Unlimited, and they are literally the hot ticket items this holiday season (sorry for the bad pun, but I couldn’t help myself)! Designed with the most advanced microwire and space-age compound heating panels, all powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, these pieces of heated clothing and heated apparel warm you to the core this winter. With technologies originally developed for the U.S. military, companies like Ansai and Gerbings have recently lead the charge (sorry, the puns keep on coming!) of bringing electronically heated vests, jackets, and heated gloves to the masses, in fashionable, casual, and comfortable designs, colors, and style

Columbia Bugathermo Heated Boots

Other companies, like Columbia and Wenger, have developed and perfected the  electric heated boot, to keep your toes, feet, and ankles nice and toasty when you trek out into the chill this season! The Bugathermo and Boar heated boots are perfect for the adventurer, hiker, or snow-shoveler in your life.

The North Face Etip Gloves

And speaking of hot winter gadgets for the holidays, check out the latest in winter glove technology! Didn’t know there was winter glove technology? Well then, it’s time to meet the North Face Etip gloves! The coolest thing to happen to gloves since the mitten, the North Face Etip features innovative material on the fingers that actually let you use your touch screen Smart Phones, iPod, iPad, and other iParaphernalia right through the glove! No more sliding off your gloves to make a call, or trying to change the song with your cold nose. Now your hands can stay warm while you stay connected thanks to these and similar touch gloves.

Finally, for the guy or gal on the go in your life, we present the Nathan VITAband! Now, this isn’t a winter-specific gadget, and it won’t keep you warm in the winter, but we all know how much runners are obsessed with the latest and greatest athletic gadgets andgizmos, and this one is honestly way too cool not to tell you about here. Get this; the Nathan VITAband is the first ID bracelet that stores emergency contact information and a personal emergency profile, and also acts as a convenient contactless payment system for water, energy bars, and other goodies on the go! That means you just strap on the lightweight wrist band, and that’s all you need. No more running with a wallet in your pocket, or a couple dollars and your ID clipped into your sports bra. You link the debit chip in the band to a credit card, load your personal emergency medical info onto the service and you’re safe, secure, and protected whenever you head out for a long run. Trust me, this is going to be the “it” gift of the season, and will make a perfect stocking stuffer for active folks, so get in on it early and pick one up at Sports Unlimited.